We are excited to announce Altitude Residences
Altitude Residences, located near Highway 169 and Cedar Lake Road, will create 77 new units slated to open in 2019, with pre-leasing in January. The new building will offer a luxury rental experience with convenient access to Interstate 394, Highway 62 and the forthcoming Southwest Light Rail Transit (LRT) line. Featuring spacious studios with an alcove, one-bedrooms, as well as a number of two-bedroom units, the upscale apartments will meet the needs of young professionals and empty nesters. The modern designs and premium amenities will include electric car charging stations, high-speed fiber internet access, a fitness studio and concierge services.
Amenities will include:
- Fireplaces in some units
- Gas ranges
- Electric car charging stations
- Fiber internet access
- Washers/dryers in unit
- Fitness studio
- Package concierge
- Balconies
- Plank flooring
- Heated underground parking
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